See also: cemeteries,
travel books, clubs,
Getting Here
NY Waterway -
bus & ferry info.
NJ Transit -
Info on train & bussing around from NY to NJ.
Port Authority of New
York & New Jersey - Info on path trains, tunnels & bridges,
airports, ferrys and some general travel info.
NJ Resources
Weird NJ Magazine
- Published 2 times a year, is a MUST HAVE for bored New Jersey natives.
Order if from the web page or find it at Borders, The Montclair Book
Center, your local comic book store, and just about anyplace these days.
Local legends, ghost stories, alleged satanic gathering grounds, abandoned
insane asylums.
USA CityLink:
New Jersey - Similar to Citysearch, but it covers smaller cities like
Newark, New Brunswick, Trenton, Flemington, Asbury Park, and several dozen
more. Tourism, travel, & relocation.
New Jersey Folklore Archive - Archives Department, Alexander Library,
College Avenue Campus, Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick,
NJ 08903. Established in 1975, phone: (908) 932-7006. Access: walk-in,
sign in. Research Facilities: reading room, card catalog. Size &
Format: includes approximately 10 broadsides, 10 pieces of ephemera,
10 maps, 40 tape recordings. Key Collections: approximately 400 student
papers on folklore topics, indexed by genre, nationality, religion,
and New Jersey county. Publications based on collections: Cohen, David.
Folklife of New Jersey, based in part on archival materials.
Entertainment Coupon Book
- For around $25 (sometimes less if you know someone selling them) you
get a thick book filled with coupons in your area, buy one get one free
for select movie theatres, restaraunts (fancy ones, casual as well as
fast food chains), car stuff, museums, theatre, and nationwide coupons
for hotels & car rentals. For the NJ books there are things in NYC.
Use about 4 coupons from the book and it's paid for itself, you can
get an idea of what's in it on the website. It's a yearly book, starting
Nov 1st each year.
I got a ton of brocures for various theatres & historical places
in NJ at the northmost rest area on the NJ Parkway, I'd imagine they
all have some. If you are a member of AAA you can get a lot of free
maps and possibly guidebooks, but my favorites are the Hagsram (yellow)
maps, they clearly show cemeteries, AAA sells these at a discount at
some locations.
Destinations - abandoned, unusual, wild & wierd NJ road trips.
Dammit. This is what I wanted to do but my friends all suck and never
wanted to do anything. It's a good site.
- wineries, museums, parks in that area, also links to other NJ Malls.
Haunted Places Ghosts, &
Investigations conducted by Jane Doherty - She's an NJ Psychic and has
info on this page about infamous haunted houses of NJ: Monmouth
Battlefield in Freehold, Metlar-Bodine museum in Piscataway, Spy House
Museum in Port Monmouth, , an Archaeological Dig in Middletown, Sea Holly
Inn in Cape May, and outside NJ the Lizzie Borden
House in Falls River, MA.
The De-Haunting of Spy
House - more info on the Spy House in Port Monmouth, NJ.

South Jersey Ghost
Research - The Deleware Valley's oldest ghost research group. On the
site is the usual you'd expect from ghost hunters, they are also involved
in cemetery preservation, and in the cemetery research section there are
many photos of possible ghosts. There are also many cases of hauntings in
NJ, including private homes.
New Jersey Ghost Hunter's
Society - Meetings are held: 7:30 - 9:00 PM at, 425 E. Broad St. in
Westfield, NJ (exit 135 off Garden State Parkway). Next meetings when I
updated this page: Feb 25th, 2000 Mar 24th, 2000. (You may have to be a
member to attend, which is $10/year)
Haunted New Jersey
- All the ghosty info you need on NJ, possibly. They have lots of audio
and video files and pictures on the site. There's a list of haunted places
in the state, and they run haunted tours in Cape May closed in the winter.
The tour claims to be all true, no fairy tales or legends and for a very
reasonable price you get a full dinner, $30 (Hmph, no vegetarian entrees
of course), I don't think you can get the tour without the dinner but I'm
not really sure. There's a $1.00 off coupon on the site to print out
Cape May nightly Ghost Tour through its Victorian
streets. Guides refer to local legends of ghosts, UFO’s and angel
sightings as visitors enjoy the whimsical architecture of the historic
district. For reservations, call (609) 88-GHOST. Cape May is also filled
with Victorian houses.
From -
"Bernardsville Public Library. The ghost here is so active, the staff
issued it a library card. Phyllis Parker's specter was first encountered
in January 1877, in a private residence that now houses part of the
library. The building had been converted from a tavern that was
constructed during the Revolutionary War. Vealtown Tavern was the scene of
a tragic love affair between the innkeeper's daughter and a tenant, Dr.
Byram. Just after the two were married, Dr. Byram was hanged by General
Anthony Wayne for being a British spy, and his lifeless body was delivered
to the tavern. Not knowing what was in the large pine box, Phyllis opened
it. On seeing the bug-eyed corpse of her beloved, she became hysterical
and suffered a nervous breakdown. Her insane weeping is still heard in the
old section of the library, which consists of the Meeting Room and the
public Reading Room (where the casket was opened). After renovations in
1974, employees started seeing the apparition of Phyllis moving through
the old wing. A videotape recording of a seance, held in 1987 in an effort
to contact her spirit, can be played back by patrons in the Local History
Room. In November 1989, a child saw the ghost of a woman in a long white
dress in the Reading Room. (Bernardsville is 8 miles south of Morristown
on U.S. Hwy 202, west of Newark. The library is downtown at 2 Morristown
Road, Bernardsville, NJ 07924. Phone: 908-766-0118.)"
Morristown, NJ Ghost Tour walks - Jack Rushing's
Morristown Ghost Tour Walks and Ghost Story Hour, PO Box 128, Basking
Ridge, NJ 07920 908 766-5376 or e-mail,
Meet at Jimmy's American Bar & Grill, 217 South Street, Morristown, NJ
Saturdays and Headquarters Plaza Hotel - Sundays. Also Somerville Neet o
Rama on Main St. in Somerville on Sundays. These don't run during the
winter, make sure to call or email before going.
The Rahway Historical Society's Ghost Night tour - I
don't know if this still runs: Once again, candlelight and the flickering
blaze of the kitchen fire will add a bewitching atmosphere to the
Merchants and Drovers Tavern for three Ghost Nights scheduled for
November. Last fall's sellout of our first Ghost Night for children, has
prompted the board to plan two for children this year. A third will be
created specifically for adults. Cathy Nevins, chairman of the fundraiser,
emphasizes that this interpretive event is designed to let participants
immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a circa 1800 tavern. Ghost tales
and strange happenings add to the aura of yesteryear. Check the calendar
elsewhere in this publication for dates. The price is $5 for the
children's Ghost Night and $10 for the adult Ghost Night. Refreshments are
included in the ticket price. Reservations may be made by calling Cathy at
(908) 499-0279.
Weird Places & Folklore
The Pine Barrens of New Jersey
A Map
showing location of the New Jersey Pineland
reading list
The New
Jersey Pinelands Commission Home Page
The Jersey Devil
The Jersey
Devil Legend - A bunch of variations of the Jersey Devil story &
bibliography's site on the
JD - used to have directions to where the house is
the JD was supposedly born. I'm not sure where that went, but the site
also has sightings, ecards, films, books, etc about the JD.
County Online: The Jersey Devil - Pines, origin, sightings, theories,
deeds, etc.
Jersey Devil at - Takes a look at the many different versions of the
legend and their origins.
Historical Places &

Pine Barrens
Enthusiasts - This is such a beautifully designed and informative
site! It should go in every category because it has notable people,
historic events (including a timeline from 170 million years ago),
folklore, maps, ecosystem info, places to visit, and anything you could
possibly want to know about the Pine Barrens.
The Newark Museum - Newark
actually has some very old buildings, and I've yet to visit it but it
seems like a nice museum. They have changing exibitions, and some of the
static collections include art from all over the world, including
egyptian. Part of the museum is the Ballantine House, built in 1885, a
planetarium, a mini-zoo & natural science collection, more info on all
of this is on the website. It is located in Newark's Downtown/Arts
District, hours: Wed-Sun noon till 5pm, Thursdays open till 8:30pm, closed
Mon & Tues, Jan 1, July 4, Thanksgiving day, Dec 25.
New Jersey
Museums - organized by county.
Historic Sites and
Districts in NJ - battlefields, houses dating back to 1700s, and
Virtual Newark
NJ - You'd never know what a dirty city it is now based on the old
drawings and pictures of it. There is info on general history of the city
and some cemteries.
Charles Addams's
house - I have heard 3 different locations for the house that Charle's
Addams lived in and was fed his inspiration for the Addams Family comic,
this one claims it was 2 spooky houses in Westfield, NJ one on Dudley and
one on Elm Street. There is a photo of one of the houses on this
Bergen County
Historical Society - Includes The Steuben House, Campbell-Christie
House and Demarest House, which are landmarks of Bergen Dutch sandstone
architecture, all located near or on River Rd in Hackensack.
Sites to Visit in New Brunswick
The Doll House
& Miniature Museum of Cape May - Victorian doll houses dating
back to the victorian era to 1970s are on display. Hours: Saturday 4
to 8 PM, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday 1 to 5 PM, and also by appointment.
Admission for adults is $4, call 609-884-6371 for info. 118 Decatur
Street, Cape May, NJ 08204.
Lee Guest House - The Annabel Lee, named after a favorite poem by
Edgar Allen Poe, is a beautiful Victorian Lady. This Annabel Lee was
built in the 1850's and offers beautiful, clean, cozy accommodations.
Much of her natural beauty remains intact and we have renovated and
decorated in an appealing Victorian style. 116 N. Broadway West Cape
May, NJ 08204 Phone (609)- 898-1109.
Historic Burlington City Cape
May resources - Scroll down a bit and you'll find links to a photo
tour, historical sites, historic accommodations, victorian guest
accommodations, restaraunts, doll house & miniature museum.
Cape May
Historical Sights
Beautiful Places/Things
Official New Jersey Travel
& Tourism site - Very nicely designed site with great info on
what to do in this little state, fall
driving tours, more
tours, biking
trails by county, nj getaways, natural wonders, tourist attractions,
historical sites, culture, mall
listing, Parks &
Castles of New Jersey
- Photos, descriptions, history, addresses, and museum info where applicable
for many of them.
Wild New Jersey - Devoted to
the wildlife and wild places in the Garden State. Includes columns,
reports, book reviews, photographs and hundreds of annotated links. It
starts off informing us that there are over 150 species of butterflies in
this state, if you follow that link you are led to a set of articles on
butterflies of NJ, including a photo checklist of possibly all the
species. There is also info on birds & parks.
Palisades Interstate
Park - I have read all about this place, and it sounds so beautiful.
I've lived near it for the past 4 years or so and only haven't gone
because it's very woodsy and probably the kind of place lone joggers
vanish in, and my friends all suck. The site also has historical info, and
directions, what's allowed (biking and whatnot), regulations, trail
guides, and special programs. It's also home to the Blackledge–Kearney
house, the oldest building in the New Jersey Section of the Palisades
Interstate Park, dates back to 1750. Hours to visit the house: April -
October, weekends & holidays, 12 - 5 PM or by appointment, November -
March the house is closed. (Museum office open year-round).
New Jersey
Division of Parks & Forestry - directions, maps, info on all
(?) parks in NJ including some historic sites, listings of what parks
you can bike, hike, picnic, horseback ride, birdwatch, etc in.
Gardens - Not much on the website, it's a garden supply but according
to New
Jersey Off the Beaten Path, they have beautiful pond & gardens
set up and welcome visitors to just look. They have night blooming flowers
and whatnot.
Gateway National Recreation
Area - Gateway NRA is a 26,000 acre recreation area located in the
heart of the New York Metropolitan area. The park extends through three
New York City boroughs and into northern New Jersey. Park sites offer a
variety of recreation opportunities, along with a chance to explore many
significant cultural and natural resources. All the info you need is on
the web site, including detailed, color pdf downloadable maps.
New Jersey Botanical
Garden at Skylands - Located in Ringwood, NJ, open 8-8 every day, no
charge for admission aside from a small parking fee on weekends from Mem
day through Labor day. On the property is the Skylands Tudor-style Manor
House, and Estate Gardens. You can get guided tours of the house one
Sunday a month March through December for a fee and there are sceduled
talks and events for $3 every few weeks.
Lakota Wolf Preserve -
You can go and safely observe these beautiful animals in a natural
habitat, located at 89 Mt. Pleasant Road Columbia, NJ 07832 877-SEE-WOLF.
Wolf Watch program presented Twice Daily: 10:30 and 4:00 in the Summer,
10:30 and 3:00 Fall & Winter, no Appointment Needed Saturdays and
Sundays, call for Reservations for Monday through Friday, meet at Camp
Taylor Office 15 minutes before program. They have 18 adults and some
puppies, various ages and breeds. The watch costs $15 for adults, $7 for
children under 12. You can sponsor a wolf to help them out, depending how
much you pay you are entitlted to a few more visits. They also have
photography sessions for serious photographers, for $300 per half day,
$500 per full day, you get to photograph from a few feet away, but still
in safety.
Liberty State Park
- exit 14 on the NJ Turnpike, here you can see lots of pretty things. It's
home to Liberty Science center, a nature area, swimming, tennis courts,
liberation monument, and ferries.
Cheesequake State
Park - I pass the signs for this every time I visit my hunny in
Matawan and still haven't visited it. Take exit 120 off the GS Parkway
(there's signs for it too). Every Saturday at 1pm you can join in a 60-90
minute nature walk, I think it's free and it leaves from the Interpretive
Center. Every Sunday at 1pm they have a different activity such as hikes,
readings, and focusing on different animals, plants & nature topics.
It's home to many magnificent wildflowers & birds including the
endangered Osprey bird. There are also bike trails and camping grounds at
the park. Phone: 732-566-3208. This is the only thing it says about
admission prices: from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, $5
per car on weekdays and $7 on weekends.
Great Swamp
Outdoor Eduation Center - I don't think the web site has been updated
for 2 years, so check before going. Located at 247 Southern Blvd. in
Chatham Township, New Jersey, open to the public 7 days a week, 9:00am to
4:30pm, September through June. They have, displays of New Jersey's
wildlife and it's natural history, this Morris County park has 40 acres
open to the public. There are two miles of trails, including a
self-guiding trail, an observation blind, and a handicapped accessible
New Jersey
Wineries - I put this here because this page doesn't have a proper
category for it, it could go under historical I suppose, but most wineries
are in pretty rural areas and have lots of nice scenery.
Cape May - The southern end
of our Tiny State is filled with old Victorian houses and lots of
Hidden New Jersey
Photo Gallery at
Fun Places
Fairy Tale
Forest - Located at 140
Oak Ridge Rd., Oak Ridge, NJ, 973-697-5656. This looks possibly too
cutesy (it's meant for kids 10 & under) but fairy tales are fairy
tales! You go through the forest and see more than 20 cottages with themes
like Cinderella, Gingerbread Boy, Hansel & Gretel, Snow White, Little
Red Riding Hood, and lots more. They do seasonal themes, like goblins and
witches for halloween. I've yet to visit, but it's near my office so I've
driven past it once. Admission and Hours changes with season, in the
summer they are open 6 days 11-5, closed Wed & major hoildays, adult
admission is $7-$8.
Science Center - Winter hours: Tues-Sun 9:30-5:30, rest of year: 7
days 9:30-5:30. General admission for adults is $9.50, but you can just
get into the IMAX theatre for $8.50, both for $15.50, $5 parking fee, more
prices on site. Call 201-200-1000 for ticket info and reservations. They
have the IMAX theatre, a 3-D laser show and lots of fun things. Detailed
directions are on the site, but there are signs at exit 14 on the NJ
Turnpike, and you can easily get there by path to light rail or bus, or
ferry from NY.