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LinksPlaces on the web I have found to be worthy of a second look. Don't forget if you want more info on any of these topics just search About.com or Google for it. I'm not a research agent (though that would be a fun job). If you find one is down or changed email me and I will be with much gratitude, however I hardly update this site so I may not get to it for a long time. Vampy, Gothic, & Dark links - Faerys / MaLkAviAnS / Role Playing / Satan / Demons / Serial Killers / Mass Murderers / True Crime / Vampires / Death / Gore / Graveyards / Goth / Wiccan / Witchcraft / Worthy Causes Video Games - Includes my collection, some reviews by me, and other related. Hacking - Aliens / Church of the Subgenius / Conspiracy / Anarchy / Freedom / The Truth / X-Files / Censorship / Survival / Paranoia / Anti-Religion / Hacking / Warez TV - Animation / Movie links / TV / Film Movie List - it got to be so huge I had to split movies apart from the TV & film page. Everything Else - Artists / Art / Still Photography / Desktop Themes / Screen Savers / Icons / Cursors / Fonts / Food / Free Stuff / Games / Horsies / Kewlness and wierdness / miscl / Nature / People's Personal Pages / Shareware / Freeware / Toys / Virtual Gifts, cards, flowers