& Buriel Grounds
- An email list you can subscribe to, you can volunteer to take photos
of people's relative's grave monuments, memorials, etc in your area, or
find a volunteer to take photos for you.
Hunter - Request or volunteer for photos of relatives gravestones.
Association for Gravestone Studies - founded in 1977 for the purpose
of furthering the study and preservation of gravestones. AGS is an international
organization with an interest in gravemarkers of all periods. Info how
to join, how to clean headstones properly, and some publications and newsletters.
of Paris
Paris - a virtual tour of the catacombs by Kevin Kelm.
Christian Catacombs of Rome - thumbnail photo tour, tons info in many
The Dark Side - A couple's tales of their visit to Mexico including
the Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Museum of Anthropology and
several cemeteries. There are great pictures of freaky mummies and ornate
cemeteries, and info on Day of the Dead.
& Bones cemetery tour in Cleveland, OH. Seasonal, see the web
site for details. $23 per person.
With A View - snail mail newsletter about cemetery art, history, heritage,
social customs, and preservation. The site also has a list of cemeteries
with walking tours and info on cemetery preservation.
Junction - a directory of U.S. cemeteries. Browse by state and find
all cemeteries near you, some of them even have their own web sites with
Photo Webring
Records on the internet - cemetery column, searchable cemetery records
all over the world, photo gallery, book & geneology software store.
City of the Silent - The web's most extensive cemetery site. Information
about cemetery symbols, epitaphs, history, burials, art, clip
art, postcards, tombstone rubbing booklist, and other aspects of mortuary
culture(including several e lists and discussion boards. The page even
has several morbid midi files you can play during your visit.
a Grave - Where everybody who was anybody is buried... search by name,
location, or claim to fame.
- great cemetery listings by state in the US, and overseas listings. Classified
adds and bulletin boards for caskets, cremation, everything you need to
get your loved ones in the ground.
- extensive U.S. & Canada funeral home listing, look in their info
guide for funeral & cremation questions, funeral planning and arranging,
glossary of funeral terms.
of Chicago
Cemetery links
Cemetery in Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia - history of this graveyard,
notables buried there, pictures, lists of a lot of the names buried there.
your own epitaph day website - this holiday takes place very year
on November 2 to coincide with the Day of the Dead. This site will help
you plan yours, and your pet's.
photography and death in Iceland
at RootsWeb - part of a huge geneology site, there are a lot of sites
here that will list cemeteries.
Our Cemeteries, Inc. - Dedicated to the preservation and restoration
of the historic cemeteries of Louisiana, and to fostering a public appreciation
of the architectural and cultural value of these historic cemeteries.
Graveside Terrors - mostly a personal page, but he has some great
cemetary photos.
Tombstone Traveller's Guide - Exploring American Cemeteries and Funeral
Practices. Funeral museum, photos from cemeteries all over the world,
historic graveyards, tombstone etiquette, tombstone mysteries, legends
and tales, cremation and some other info.
Tombstone Transcript Project - set on getting tombstone inscriptions
recorded on paper before the writing is smooth and worn away. You can
find out how to get involved with this project no matter where you live.
With A View - newsletter about cemetaries.
from the Darkside: Virtual Gallery - a beautiful collection of just
cemeteries and cemeteries with gothy people. Don't steal them, they are
all owned by the page author!
New Jersey Cemeteries - directions, year founded, now and then photos
of some, great listing for the area. (the site is part of Virtual Newark
if you're looking for more info on Newark.)
Adams Residence - photo gallery from quite a few cemeteries.
pictures from DeWitt County, Illinois - pictures from a bunch of cemeteris
in this area.
Cemetery - site from the Bonaventure
Historical Society, has a map and tons of great info on who's buried
there, etc. The cemetery is located at 330 Bonaventure
Road, Savannah, Georgia, 31404, 912-651-6843.
Savannah's Bonaventure Cemetery - One page with some good tips and
notable names for this cemetery.
Some nice photos from
the Bonaventure