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Nei·ther·land (Nê'thèr, ní', lahn d e-) n. [OE. na-hwæther, lit., not whether], terra, not one or the other, (of two); not either -- conj. not either [ I can neither go nor stay ], + terra, country or nation, earth's surface: see PEOPLES] 1. A country not belonging to one or the other, (of two) 2. A world belonging to no formal system of rules or cultures, a place outside of the world. -;n. one who does not belong to any society, group, or tribe-;nei·ther·lander n.

Welcome to what I hope to be a useful contribution to the overcluttered mess that is the World Wide Web. Here my virtual enchanted forest becomes your dark guide to enchanted/haunted/cultureal real life sites, clubs, events museums, cemeteries, books, music as well as domestic craft projects you can do at home. As much as I would like to have a guide to the entire country or world, it is just too much work for me alone. Perhaps in the future those of us with dark city guide web sites can all put together a portal site linking us all together for your ease of travel and clubbing. Until then, my focus is on New Jersey, New York City, and Philadelphia, PA, and immediate areas, but I try to link to other sites around the world and especially where I've visited.



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