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Concerts, Events, News
It's Just Another Night in Gotham...

Many clubs open and close in the blink of an eye and concerts are postponed or canceled sometimes, this page is not official,
I just put info on here I find on web sites, e mail lists, and club flyers, so make sure you call the venue before you travel far.

I'm selling my huge personal comic book collection here, and toys, books, & more.

Current Movie picks | Current TV show picks
See also: ren faires, conventions, trips, clubs, gallery, halloween

I don't update this section much these days.. I just don't go out much anymore.. If you're starved for what's going on in our NYC/NY/Philly area there's always pmGotham, and Andy & Brandi's page.


Still not updating this calendar or doing too much myself nowdays.

Miscellaneous Info, News, and Rumors**

**Note that some of the news clips on bands may be rumors, I check all of this info on official websites and will let you know if it is confirmed.

Nothing's going on these days.

NOTE: I put a lot of time and effort into maintaining my club and concert calendar, which spawned from my personal want for a list of everything to do in my area. If you don't see your event here it's because I just don't update much these days, I don't do that boycotting political crap. Email me if you think your event or show should be one of these pages, especially decent techno/trance/ambient or gothic/industrial type clubs in the NYC, NJ, or Eastern PA areas.