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Boys Are Dumb
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About my e-lists
I promise I will never share, sell, trade,
show, or in any way shape or form exchange or expose your email address
or any information you give me to any other living soul. Please note that
if you join a discussion list and post messages to it others on the list
can and will see your email address. I am the only person who does this
site. If you are paranoid about spam to your regular email account, or
privacy, feel free to use any of the free web based email accounts available.
I like Yahoo personally, Hotmail is taking away popmail for free users..
Anyone aged 18 or older is welcome to this list. It is for discussion
of pretty much anything. Keep flames off list or you will be banned, absolutely
no spamming, though you may announce goth or fetish club nights (please
do not make this yet another list with the same weekly club postings),
goth or dark type band appearances, anything weird is especially welcome.
No "me too" posts, and please be careful and check before you
send embarrassing private email to the list. If you are an idiot, or harass
anyone on the list you will be banned.
Pretty self explanitory. This group is to find the small number crafty-sewing-etc
goths scattered in northeast NJ and get together to hang out and do crafts
and teach each other things. I am in the Bergen/Passaic/Essex counties
area. Witches, punks, pagans, victorians, etc. are welcome. I welcome
people who are also on the gothfasion list, any craft list, any goth list,
but you should live in the area because I don't want this to be a purely
online thing, I want us to do things in real life eventually. Craft projects
can include, but are not limited to: custom fashion dolls, polymer clay,
candles, soap, ribbons, hair accesories, doll clothes, pouches, corsets,
beads, mhendi, makeup styles, hair styles, fetish clothes, period clothes,
hats, cooking/cake decorating, photography, book covers, origami, casket
building, herbal pillows.
Yahoo! Groups is
questionable because they claim to be able to use any file or image you
store with them as long as it's there... but it's a big easy community
and I like having my interest lists all in one place. There is talk and
speculation that the Groups may not always be free, but for now they are.
Thanks to these 2 spammers joining every goth and erotic related list
there is and posting the same url 10 times a day, all my lists are fully
moderated now, so be assured they will be quality and spam free. Er....
they are spam free and high quality, not free of quality :-)
These are the 3 that are not on Yahoo!
Groups which if Yahoo becomes pay I will start only using them.
Neitherland Announce
For Sale announce
Neitherland Announcement
Subscribe to this on the home page (actually
you'll sub to the yahoo one for now)
This is only for me to post to, no one else will be able to, no one can
ever see your email address or that you are on this list but myself. If
you are receiving emails from this list you subbed yourself or asked me
to add you, there is no other way to get on it as you must confirm your
subscription. I will not mail to this list too often if you are worried
about too much email, at most probably once a week, for now monthly since
I'm just starting it (Feb 2002). I will announce major updates to my website,
life, hobbies, sometimes tell you about a trip I went on, or something
cool I learned, and sometimes upcoming goth type events and shows... anything
that catches my eye.
Neitherland Discussion list
Please visit this
link to subscribe to this list and see info on it's use.
Anyone aged 18 or older is welcome to this list. It is for discussion
of pretty much anything. Keep flames off list or you will be banned, absolutely
no spamming, though you may announce goth or fetish club nights, goth
or dark type band appearances, anything weird is especially welcome. No
"me too" posts, and please be careful and check before you send
embarrassing private email to the list. If you are an idiot, or harass
anyone on the list you will be banned.
Need a topic? Browse around my site a bit
till something intrigues you, and ask about it or tell your own story
about it. I will even go so far as to allow you to announce your ebay
items for sale, but only if you are a real member of this list and that
is not the only reason you joined. If that is all I see from you I will
have to ban you.
I will probably send the announcement list
posts here as well, for clubs or shows that I think are really important,
any major announcement in my life, or just a want to talk to the world.
If the mail gets too much for you, you can unsubscribe at any time, or
I believe there is an option to only read the messages on the web, and
there is the digest format.
I will NEVER give your email out to anyone,
any information posted to this list is private, and I will never spam
you or add you to any other list I have without your permission.
Neitherland Auctions &
Sales list
Please visit this page to sign
up for this list
This one is purely to announce things I have for sale, weather it is comics,
VCDs, current auctions, or crafts I have made. It will be a low traffic
list, one a week at most, probably monthly. Only I can send messages to
this list.
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