See also: cemeteries,
clubs, travel
From - "Woodburn.
Four ghosts haunt Delaware's Governor's Mansion. The great house was
built in 1790 by a Revolutionary War Colonel, Charles Hillyard, on land
given to his family by William Penn. When a Quaker by the name of Daniel
Cowgill owned the house during the Civil War, a tunnel was dug from
the cellar to the St. Jones River, and escaped slaves used the mansion
as a stop on the Underground Railway. The house was haunted for over
160 years before it became the official home of the governor of Delaware
in 1966. The first ghost at Woodburn appeared in 1805 to Lorenzo Dow,
a Methodist evangelist staying there. He described the elderly "stranger
upstairs" to the wife of the owner of the house one day. She told him
no one else lived in the house, but later she saw the same apparition.
In the 1870s, another house guest had to be revived from a fainting
spell, when he saw the ghost of an elderly man sitting by the fireplace.
The phantom could be the original owner, Charles Hillyard, who died
in the house. Another ghost is a man in a powdered wig, who has a predilection
for fine wine. Governor Charles Terry Jr. accused the ghost of draining
off some of the vintage wines in the cellar of the mansion, and one
of his servants saw the ghost help himself from a decanter in the dining
room. Earlier residents placated the dry spirit by setting out wine
decanters, which mysteriously drained overnight. The ghost of a slave
kidnapper seems to stay near an old poplar tree in the yard. It is the
tree from which he was hanged, although he was not strung up with a
rope. He climbed the tree hoping to kidnap runaway slaves, when the
house was owned by abolitionist Daniel Cowgill. But as fate would have
it, the man slipped, and his head was caught between two branches. On
moonlit nights his struggling ghost can be seen dangling from the gnarled
old tree. His awful moans and chain rattling sometimes fill the inside
of the house as well. The fourth ghost is a little girl in a red-checked,
gingham dress. She was seen playing by the pool in the garden during
the 1940s but has never been identified. At the January 1985 inauguration
party for Governor Michael Castle, guests complained of an invisible
presence tugging at their clothing, and one woman saw the apparition
of a little girl in a corner of the reception room. The governor himself
reported a few ghostly encounters and even allowed a teacher and three
of her students to bring their tape recorders and Ouija boards to Woodburn.
After spending the night, the children were genuinely spooked, insisting
that a portrait of a woman in one of the rooms kept smiling at them.
(Go south on State Street in downtown Dover until King's Highway. The
Governor's Mansion is at 151 King's Highway, Dover, DE 19901. Phone: