See also: cemeteries,
clubs, travel
From - "Cemeteries.
For many years, visitors to the Union Cemetery in Easton reported having
conversations with lifelike apparitions, who walk among the tombstones
and then disappear into thin air. This type of ghost, known as a "lepke,"
seems as real as any other person until it vanishes from sight. Acquaintances
of people buried here say the apparitions talk and behave exactly as
they did when alive. This is also the haunt of the infamous White Lady,
observed many times over the last fifty years. The same White Lady ghost
is seen at another nearby (Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel Cemetery ).
She wears a white nightgown with a bonnet. In 1993, a local fireman
"ran over" the ghost in his pickup truck. Sometimes witnesses observe
dark, shadowy figures attempting to grab the White Lady. Investigator
Ed Warren believes she is Mrs. Knot, whose husband was murdered near
Easton in the 1940s. The woman may have been murdered too, shortly after
her husband's funeral. ((Easton is in southwest Connecticut near the
junction of Hwy 136 and Hwy 59. Union Cemetery is on Hwy 59, near the
Easton Baptist Church. Monroe is north of Bridgeport in Fairfield County.
Take Hwy 25 northwest to Hwy 111 and go north 3 miles to Monroe. Our
Lady of the Rosary Cemetery is near the Stepney Green near Monroe. The
White Lady appears in the cemetery and on nearby Pepper Street.)"
with Ed & Lorrain Warren - A road guide through the most haunted
areas of Connecticut. They have a local cable channel too.