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Goth-Ish Paper Dolls

GothCraft index
See also: Victorian, magazines

Many of these you can print out on your computer at home and then have some friends like I do. You can play goth club drama-fest, or victorian ballroom, serial killer hooker rapist, or vampire victims... it's endless! For real fun, cut out pictures of you and all your friends (or those rockstars you want so badly, or pretty goth babes from the web) and glue the pics onto foam board and make little stands.

GIR paper doll - Of Invader Zim. The URL changed a few times, this page will send you to a cool page with the GIR paper doll and coloring sheets of many zim characters. If it gets lost again or you can't access it this way, go to, click on printables under goodies. This cool site also has Zim pumpkin patterns for halloween!

Skin Two Fetish doll - Sexy fetishy online dolls to dress. Change hair color, race, tan lines, tatoos.. etc. Hmm.... I don't see it there anymore, wonder where it went.

KiSS - Virtual paper dolls, there are tons of great anime, adult, and fetishy goth ones.

Fairy Paper Dolls - So pretty and gothy! You can print and cut them out all by yourself, or there's a really neat online Java version of each one. - Art by Donald Hendricks. There are some printable ones in the gallery (they are really meant to be purchased), including Rita Hayworth, a Brad Pitt with Louie Vamp outfit, and Leonardo DeCaprio with some nice outfits.

Gail's Paperdolls - TONS of really cool ones of all types, many with multiple outfits. Just go page by page and use IE and save the whole page at once. Ones of most interest: Buffy!, willow, oz, Angel, heather locklear, marilyn, Princess Diana (with 12 outfits), princess grace, jackie kennedy, Fran Drescher, johnny depp, scarlett, friends, sex & the city, olsen twins, winona ryder, charmed, and some originals with medieval themes.

Liana's Paper Doll Boutique - Seems the only dolls are in the old paperdolls section, big link at the top. She's got some really nice ones, easily printable - mermaids, formal dresses, men, women, boys, girls, historical, costumes, accesories (includes wings) etc.

Paper Dolls at - lots of links to free paper dolls online, some printable.'s people seem to not keep up on their links though so many are dead in all sections.

Ghoulie Paper Doll - printable, from a regular doll site.

Marilee's Paperdolls Page - Tons of great printable paper dolls, though some just seem to be line drawings to print. Go to the page with adult & teenage ones, most are external links so a lot are gone. Links to a huge variety of printable paperdolls on other sites, elvis, barbie, princess leah, luke skywalker, judy garland, patty & selma simpson, fairy, green acres, dead milkmen, elroy, american girls, origami paperdolls, even paper houses & furnashings.

HeroMachine - Sort of an online paper doll, it's a really cool program where you pick from a few base characters, male or female, and pick hair color, skin color, clothes, hairstyle, etc.


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