See also: clubs, journeys,
Lolita Bible Vols 4 & 5 online
Scanned in by me, patterns will be/are there too. Only a few pages are
there so far, I'll do more on weekends when I'm home. (the link was
hard to find before).
About Gothic Lolita
This page was created August 2002. Gothic Lolita was a fairly new term
for me at that time, though the style itself I'm familiar with. It was
one of my favorite style for going out. Basically it is combining gothic
with poofy little girly lacy frilly skirts, victorian, alice in wonderland,
fairy tale themes. It comes from Japan, though it's not based around goth
music but rather pop and metal music... though I don't think it's really
based around them either, it just happens that musicians in those genres
started wearing these clothes. Read the Morbid Outlook article below in
the links because I could be a bit wrong.
My Gothic & Lolita Bibles
and translating
The Gothic & Lolita bible books (magazines?) are so pretty. Full of
eye candy, beautiful colors, spooky treats, hair, makeup, shopping, decorating
tips, clothing ideas, and there are clothing catalogs in it. This is all
guessing since it's all in Japanese and I don't read a word. But I need
too read it or I will explode!
First I was going to attempt to learn japaense
using some free learn japanese websites and a book on it. The book I bought
turned out to be useless, only how to speak words, it has the alphabet
in it but it only shows phonetic sounds.
Then I was going to then try to match up
letters/words with ones in this cool magazine Mangajin
which was published (1990-1997) to teach one to speak & read japanese
using pop culture. It's really cool, there's calvin & hobbes comics
and things like that in the ones I have (which are 1995ish), it shows
the english, japanese, and english pronunciation of the japanese all together
for every sentance.
I learned in my research that Romaji is what it is called
when japanese is spelled with english words, or romanized.
Then I decided, crap, this is not working. What I need
is one of those $200 little gadgets (conviently there was a little flyer
for one that came from fujisan with my GLB) to translate the Romaji which
I would get from going letter by letter with a copy of the japanese characters
& their sounds (which I found and printed off the web - shows each
letter with it's english sound). There is no way I am buying a $200 gadget
(even if it's cool as hell) just to translate one book. I searched some
more on the web, I found that there are programs which are free or as
cheap as $8 for palm pilots, I have been planning to buy a palm for over
a year and finally just decided which one I am getting and will do so
soon, that would be cool if those programs worked well, but reviews weren't
Also, once I learned that Romaji to English was what I
needed, I searched that on google. I came up with this site that does
it totally free.
. I tested it with some words from Mangajin and it seems accurate.
I'm very curious to know what they make the adorable spooky
treats out of, though I know I could just make them out of anything I
want that is the same color. It would probably taste better.. japanese
and chinese cakes and sweets look so pretty but often are tasteless I've
Resources on the web
Gothic & Lolita Bibles here - at There server is
very slow sometimes, if it is go back later or it will take you 2 hours
to place an order. They ship to the USA, each GL bible is about $20 with
shipping and you will get it very fast if it's in stock, they have a base
in CA they send things from. Look on eBay for the older ones. Don't pay
more than $20 each. Well, if you really want to, go wild.
Gothic Lolita Bible from Sasuga books
Lolita Bible Vols 2 & 3 online - This
nice girl (site down now) had scanned and put up the entire magazines
of these 2 issues but her whole site is gone now. I saved them all and
maybe I will put them up on my server one day. I tested them out and these
print nicely. They are minus the patterns, but I really think from the
instruction pages in the magazines if you really wanted to make it you
could either have it blown up at kinkos, or use the shapes and guess on
the measurements to make your own patterns.
Lolita Bible Vols
4, 5, 6, 7online - These will be coming one day from myself, I purchased
these 4. I will one day when I have the time, I have a few scanned so
far from vol 4 you can view, they are hi res. I will also put translations
when I get them for any pages. Patterns are/will be there too.
Gothic Lolita - from Morbid
Outlook goth zine, this will tell you what it is.
are at least a few communities on Live
Journal, just search gothic lolita & egl.
Magazine online - learn to read and speak Japanese with comics and
pop culture. It would be difficult but you could try to match up characters
Letters - This is what I'm using to get my romaji, most of the book
seems to be in the Katakana set of characters, a few are HIragana, this
great page will tell you about the different Japanese character sets used.
I keep a printout of this with me, write romaji sounds as I go along,
then I will put them into the next link.
Romaji to English dictionary - enter in the phonetic japanese word
in english letters and it gives you the translation.
- learn to speak japanese
Writing Tutor - the best thing about this site is that it not only
shows you the romaji for each letter, but it has an animation for every
character showing you how it is drawn.
