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The day the twin towers broke.This series was started from a rooftop on 13th street around 9AM Tuesday Sept 11, 2001, just after the first plane hit one of the Twin Towers in Manhattan, NY. They are in the order they were taken, some are almost the same, taken a few minutes apart. I chose to put them all here, you can find many more from different angles at news sites like CNN (links at the bottom of the page)
Thinking back on that day, the only other time I felt that kind of paranoia (looking around when walking out of my middle of nowhere office building) was the night the gulf war started, I had to go out and get gas and I felt all freaked out, who knows why, 17 yr old imagiontion expecting Arabs to jump out at me with machine guns in East Brunswick, NJ. Saturday, Oct 13, 2001 Anthrax, Anthrax, Anthrax, isn't that a heavy metal band? Oh right, it's a disease too. (I was just being artsy there, I know what it is). It's been a month and I don't feel as harshly stung anymore, I can sleep ok at night now, and without nightmares, but then I don't live in NYC and don't have to see the wreckage every day - or ever - in person. I still get very sad and angry and frustrated when I think about the plane crashes though. How can we get rid of a possible few thousand men who infiltrated our country, our lives, and look just like any old nice Arab & Muslim men. They don't even have to do anything now and we're all in a panic that every little thing was them. I wonder what god they think really wants them to kill so they can run their twisted society where women are basically slaves, can't go to school, can't work, can't even show skin or they'll be killed. A woman living in Taliban land can't even get help from a doctor, she can't show her skin to her male gynecologist or doctor and women aren't allowed to be doctors. I just saw on CNN that someone from my company on the opposite coast is being tested after opening an envelope with funny powder in it. Everyone I know is sick right now, it's a bug going around and/or due to the drastic temp changes.... or is it! I worried a bit the second we knew the plane crashes in NYC were terrorism, who knows what they had with them in the plane to get in the air, and of course if you live in the city there's the worry of all the asbestos that was in those buildings. (Please note I am not a doctor and my information here is based on what I have read about or spoken to doctors/pharmacists about). Anthrax symptoms are like a common cold/flu, though if you have it I think you will be dead within a week from when you feel symptoms so I'm pretty sure mine is just a cold or flu thing. I think the only thing they can do is give you antibiotics if you are diagnosed with it. Those are another thing... doctors prescribe them left and right so half of us are immune to them, which is bad. I don't go to doctors enough to have a regular one near where I live now, so I went to the closest doctor in my insurance network the other night because I felt like hell, so I don't know how good or bad he is, he gave me antibiotics for my cold/flu symptoms. Why? They don't do dick for the common cold, he was vague and didn't even tell me what I have, be it a cold or the flu or just a bug of some kind. Also, many of you carnivores are immune to antibiotics too because many cow farmers put them in the animal's food just to keep them from getting sick. (Yet another reason I'm glad I'm a vegetarian). As for flu shots, my conclusion is for me not to get one. My dad said get one if they give them out to us at work (Toys R Us where he used to work did), coincidentally, 20 minutes later I got a mass Company email saying we can get flu shots there in November for $10. I asked the Dr. I saw last week and he said yes yes get one if you can, I can't even get the shots here! Then I asked the pharmacist while getting my meds and she said don't get one. Only if you are old, sickly, or work with a lot of kids or sick people should you get one. I have never had one in my life, I HATE needles, and the most sick I ever get is 2 times a year at most I get a killer cold/flu thing. She said if you're not in a risk group and you eat well (I'm a health nut) and get plenty of Vitamin C you'll be fine and the shots are just American overmedicating. And to add to it, my mom said the vaccine is only for 1 or 2 strains of Flu, and there are probably dozens or 100s of strains that go around and mutate. Well. I just wrote a big huge rambling mouthful so I'll go get on with being sick and go away now. Sunday , Sept 16, 2001 Now my country is at war. This is the second time that I have been alive during one, but the Gulf War was basically just us going to some place across the world and dropping a few bombs while our men were breathing chemical warfare and are still sick from it. I was strongly against that war... it's driving point was oil and money. My homeland was not attacked, nor has it ever been. Thursday, Sept 13, 2001 The images of the 2 planes crashing into the skyscrapers will not get out of my head, it's just replaying over and over and haunting me. I still can't believe this happened. Myself, nor any of my loved ones, nor any friends (that I know of yet) were even in the towers, but I know that my natural unease for being in them is going to increase 10fold. All I can think about is what it would have been like to be in your office and see the nose of a plane coming for you, or be rushing down dark stairs above the plane to realizse you absolutley cannot get down, so you go up, or suddenly the ceiling falls on you and you fall and fall (if you didn't die already). Bin Laden probably doesn't even believe the bullshit his followes/employees do, if it is so important to him why wasn't he driving one of the planes? Fucking coward. Watching Colin Powell talk last night gave me a lot of hope that the US will fight back in an all out war against those still alive involved with this. Just 48 hours later we know the men who did the driving and have great leads to their connections who are still alive. During the Gulf War I had a "No Blood For Oil" sign on my car, and I still agree with that, but blood for blood is necesarry. Some people want to know how can you go on when a tragedy like this happens... it's hard, and those who were directly hurt probably can't yet, but this is exacty what those motherfuckers want, so everyone who can must go on. I'm glad Guliani plans to rebuild the towers, I was so sad when they fell, for all the people trapped inside, and for some of our heritage gone. My choice coverage when it happened was the Howard Stern Show, and I agree with Howard when he said something like Hiroshima was the spanking Japan needed and they have behaved since then. (Though I still think that bomb was a huge tragedy.) Wednesday, Sept 12, 2001 As I got into work today (my major corporation is open for business, of course you are permitted to not come in if you have tragedy to deal with) everyone's ID is being checked and we were handed a peice of paper with Trauma Recovery Guidelines. I have a headache, had it all day yesterday, probably a combination of forgetting to eat and clenching my teeth and being tense all day yesterday. Tuesday, Sept 11, 2001 aka "Black Tuesday" as many are calling it on the NYCGoth list Though no one I know was killed or hurt in this, I can't tell you how sad it makes me feel that all these people died so painfully. This is war motherfuckers. I don't think I have ever felt so patriotic before, I guess it's true that it's not till you are faced with something like this in your safe haven that you start to really see how great you have it. I don't think there is a heaven and hell but it's times like this I hope there is and those bastards are going to burn for eternity now. I am very strongly opposed to war and violence. They think this terrorism will get them into "Allah's Paradise". If there is a god she will spit in their faces when they come before her. And if there is hell and heaven it will be the victims stoning him for eternity and slitting his skin all over with jagged glass and alcohol continuously being sprinkled over him. When we find out who did it we should bomb their countries into parking lots. Don't even let their children grow up, they'll be just as twisted. Wasn't the footage from Palestine they showed of people and children cheering with nasty mean smiles as though we had it coming? They should take every one of those fucked up kids and shoot them in the head, put them out of their twisted misery and prevent terrorism in the future! I want revenge for those people who's last moments on this earth were ones of horrible pure terror. Here are some links and images related to this, some may be graphic in nature, in some cases I have slightly modified size and quality of images to improve them for web viewing. In most cases I do not know who created the image, I link to them if I know. In some cases the links may not work anymore, they are not under my control.