
Kids in the Hall - Canadian comedy skit show
the first half or so of tape 1 was taped off HBO, I think most of the rest are off CBS so curses are edited out, later ones are from comedy central

Tape 1
Fag! 1991
Fran & Gordon: Aunt Barb & Cousin Rena pt 1 1991
New Day 1991
Table where people talk about their relationships 1991
Darrill: painting with the inner child 1991
Fran & Gordon: Aunt Barb & Cousin Rena pt 2 1991
girl drink drunk 1991
asleep on the job 1991
bruce: 17 inches 1991
whole lotta milka 1991
comedy Inc - starring the "I wanna raise guy" 1991
gimmel 100 1991
comedy inc pt 2
tammy/buddy: introducing tammy - tammy meets the press 1991
golf - how's the golfing out there? 1991
the earings are his 1991
flying pig 1: bank line-up 1991
canada abandons the monarchy 1991
flying pig 2: lottery lineup 1991
awards show - 3 way tie
cops/flying pig 3
ax murderer - can he borrow your axe?
flying pig 4 - free food lineup
bit furst.... the whores
kathie/cathie - tanya's last day
bruce - open letter to the guy who stole his bike wheel
bruce - open letter ot the people who watched the guy steal his bike wheel
court - the murder trial
buy us beer
cops - long night at a crime scene, sarge lost his badge
the accent class
bruce - larry's mother - potato salad
a.t. & love - don't blame the clown
cops - long night pt 2
phantom of the warehouse - squeeze me
cops - long night pt 3
custody - mom, dad, or....
pit of ultimate darkness: Simon's Date
bruce's double pt 1
Dr's office
bruce's double pt 2
dad died
those are my oranges
dave draws from the sound of his face
gav in & crazy glue
street singers - still have their dignity
fact girl - blood from a stone
wanna go see a dead body?
scott's android
geralds - spank grandfather
bruce - min wage
scott's android 2
a dollar - bruce haggling
fact girl - my uncle lost his job
fact girl wants more money
scott's android 3
jaques & franceua - hunting suits
danny Husk - grew breasts
cops - why didn't you do something?
cops - no one tells me anything
kathie/cathie - Is he?
cops - chase
the pen
cops - good cop/badcop
phone sex - chicken lady
children's writer
cops - what do you like best
evan - shoe salesman
scott - faggo
bruce tried suicide
headcrusher - girls
bad luck weddings
hip, cool, 45 - out all night
raj & christine in the store
hip, cool, 45 - dinner lighting
self sexual harassment court case
hip, cool, 45 - lovers
stay down
cops - dream about the queen
headcrusher - therapy
cops - i never told my dad
daddy drank
s&m couple - where do you want to eat
cops - shelly long
out cold in a meeting
gavin - gavin eats a fish
disapointed in parenthood
how would you beat up your dad?
cbs phone call - kevin sleeping
writers block - reading
animal activists - freeing george the baboon
lost my hair
nasty breakup
wood nymph
new teacher
poem from emperor of japan - 99 bottles of beer
gavin - funeral
poem from emperor of japan - fell down stairs
dean & lex - videos
bruce - how to break into showbiz
bad doctor - swastica scar
poem from emperor of japan - all the robots cried
scott loves someone in this room
cops - potato
captain wonderful
waiting for the phone to ring
cops - potatos 2
scott - home alone
office mingling - bed wetter
orgasms - after sex breath
coughed up report
pit of ultimate darkness - hypnotysm
bruce - jazz schmazz
mr heavyfoot - marathon
pit of ultimate darkness - hypnotism 2
cbs phone call - dave
tiffany/tabitha - I love it when that happens
fact girl - uncle tony can spit real far
headcrusher vs face pincher
best looking man in the world
the affair
fact girl - queen of england doesn't know her abcs
bad dr - i'm a bad dr
food in your mustache
fact girl - neighbors in love
catholic school teens - parents out of town
buddy - lesbian softball team
nutty bunnies
buddy - on outing
cops - you're mad cause I shot that guy
i wanted my bill 5 minutes ago
yes dear
cops - descr of cop 1 running naked
cops - chase
end credits - kevin eating dinner in the shower
7 at 11 news
surgery - patient pranking
scott - someone answers scott's personal add
larry & family - mom has out of body experience
sex girl patrol (part of end cut off)

Tape 2
flying pig - hotdog line, fake flying pig
spot, the god
darcy pernell show - francesca fiore
flying pig - son of flying pig 1st appearance
tyrone bibbins, esquire - writing senile letters
tanya - party crashing
flying pig - son of flying pig is killed
tanya - party crashing pt 2
ping pong 1
fran & gordon - vacation
chain gang
youdon't like us - bank loan 1
ping pong 2
college racial dating
you don't like us 2
pit of ultimate darkness - rainy day evi
theif & son - are you gay again?
darrill - remembering momma
drunken hecubus
memory loss guy - 100th waiter for scott
cure for impotence
kathie/cathie - decaf
30 second stories - tess & lars funeral
I speak no english
darrill - big brother
30 second stories - office party of shame
doors fan
30 second stories - heather & joan & rolling stones
cbs phone call - scott
kevin - save the gorillas
citizen kane
ignore them
fran & gordon - salty ham
ignore them 2
chicken lady - strip club
30 helens agree - honesty
cabbage head - i love you
not much call for gunfighter
30 helens agree - shoes
party mingling - speech impediment
buddy - on the races
29 helens agree - prompness
poker - being a woman
thanking hitler (career ending moments)
cincinnati kid vs toronto kid
30 second stories - bachelor joe's magnetic skin
what time is it, i'm seeing someone
30 second stories - kids & dad, zoo
career ending moments 1950 - joe mccarthy song
kathie/cathy - kathy gets laid
team fighting - parents
kathie/cathy - new girl lesbian
team fighting - good looking guy, ugly guy
darrill - daydreaming
team fighting - guy in t shirt, flesh eating creature of antor
buddy - virtual reality
picture of deer/bear
cyril st john
poem by emperor of japan - 99 bottles of beer
gavin - funeral
poem by emporer of japan - fall down stairs
scott - celebrities I look like
mr tisane - the tea factory
fact girl - clean ears
big fan of the garbage collectors
fat girl - vanilla ice
pot drought
old yeller pt 1
danny husk - blade rodgers porn star
mark - do over guy
old yeller pt 2
armada - rod late
spoiled daughter/old yeller pt 3
7 at 11 RIP ted riley
bruce - feels nothing for the dog
hookers/cops - undercover
trying to fix the car
giang spider on the face
hookers - tourists
hookers - alien money
cab driver - having baby dr cab
wrong number - governer calling prison
spot billini contest
team fighting - guy with tatoos & fish
pit of ultimate darkness - multiple personalities
team fighting - marketing degree & woolrus manager
bruce - sandwitches
dental convention - put salt in your eyes
bower & calvin's mom
cops - singing opera
choking on chicken
meeting ed mcmahon
cops - shift's over
buddy - aids
tea please
cops - fell asleep
tammy meets the queen at pickle factory
whores - meant to say yes
the beatles?
chicken lady - house i grew up in
hip, cool, 45 - tap water
mr manning dying of cancer
things to do
hip, cool, 45 - job interview reject
hip, cool, 45 - job interview hire
fran - chuck's funeral
whores - transvestite
darrill - mozart
scott - personal add
fire fighter for hire
buddy - cemetery
drunk, stupid & on the phone
kevin gets in a restaurant
whores - taxi
sketching female form nude
activists vs cabbage head
chain letter
plungers - mark
activists vs cabbage head pt 2
fact girl - aliens
groceryline wait - you be next
bottle spoonhead's - liza's party
activists vs cabbage head pt 3
winner of spot bolini contest
frank doesn't live here
tammy - ain't gonna spread for no roses
my art
cops - sound my fridge makes
pizza slice
cops - spring
bla bla bla
mark - fan mail
cops - my picture of my trip to europe
can anyone land a plane

Tape 3
30 helens agree - tatoos
apathetic robbery 1989
running faggot
whipping gym
mr stevenson - stray business man pt 1
mr stevenson - stray business man pt 2
die in the house i was born pt 1
temp - sleeping her way up
die in the house i was born pt 2
preacher mark
westen estorhazy - confidante to the stars
teddy bear food
comedy central teaser - dave foley