Rock 1983 - 1987 on HBO 96 eps
2001 reruns on Odyssey channel
One of my all time favorite shows, I LOVED this when it came out, I was 10-11
and obsessed with it.
Tape 1:
Quality is decent, a few are fuzzy, these are taped off Odyssey channel in
2001, they no longer show them:
1 Beginnings
2 Wembley and the Gorgs
3 Let the Water Run
8 The Terrible Tunnel
9 The Lost Treasure of the Fraggles
11 Catch the Tail by the Tiger
21 Gobo's Discovery
25 Wembley's Egg
28 Red's Sea Monster
29 Uncle Matt Comes Home
Tape 2:
Excellent quality, copied from original storebought vids
1 Beginnings
2 Wembley and the Gorgs
32 All work and All Play
6 The Preachification of Convincing John
19 The Great Radish Famine
18 The Minstrels
69 The Dark and Stormy Night
58 She Secret Society of Poohbas
Rock Vol 5 (storebought original, high qual)
I can't copy these 2 eps actually, this vid is copyguarded, I don't know how
to "crack" that.
49 The Bells of Fraggle Rock
77 The Perfect Blue Rollie